Amsterdam: Benefit bar in solidarity with Thodoris Sipsas, who is wrongfully accused in the case of the Marfin bank arson

Comrade Thodoris Sipsas has been framed for the tragic incident in the Marfin bank branch on May 5, 2010, indicted on charges that were blatantly fabricated. The court case is scheduled to take place in Athens in December 2014.

A solidarity bar will be held on June 14 in the anarchist library at Infokafee Bollox in Amsterdam. Those who are not able to come to the event, but want to support Thodoris Sipsas and other fighters targeted by the Greek State, can transfer money to the bank account of AGA (Anarchist Group Amsterdam) with the description “Solidarity benefit”: rekeningnummer: NL28 INGB 0006 436436
More info: AGA and IndymediaNL.

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