by act for freedom now
Sunday 4th May from 7pm in Piazza Valoria
dinner to support the comrades involved in the investigation named ‘Replay’,
and accused of subversive association with purposes of terrorism. Proceeds
will help cover legal expenses.
is since 2005 that the carabinieri ROS have been investigating a number of
comrades from Genoa, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Piedmont, using phone
tapping, shadowing and any other means offered by investigating technology,
including DNA tests.
operation aims at individuating at all costs the members of an alleged Genoa
Informal F.A.I. cell. The investigators have been trying to demonstrate the
responsibility of this cell in the organization and realization of attacks
carried out in northern Italy in the last ten years, attacks that were almost
all claimed by different F.A.I. groups.
proceedings show the existence of three different lines of investigation
(‘Kontro’, ‘Replay’, ‘Tortuga’) on subversive association (art.270bis) and
attack with purposes of terrorism (art.280) involving eleven people. The
first two investigations have been concluded, whereas that named ‘Tortuga’ is
still under way and concerns a greater number of people. The operation
practically refers to all the attacks occurred in central/northern Italy in
the last years, attacks claimed by various F.A.I. groups, and other actions
which were not claimed by F.A.I.
specific facts concerning this line of investigation are:
Explosive attacks on the carabinieri barracks of Genova Prà and Genova Voltri
occurred on 1.3.2005;
The manufacture of explosive devices and their positioning at Parco Ducale in
Parma, with the intent of striking the premises of carabinieri R.I.S. on
- The parcel bomb sent to Sergio Cofferati,
at the time mayor of Bologna, on 3.11.2005;
The incendiary attack on a Red Cross vehicle occurred in Genoa on 26/6/2009
(this action was not claimed by F.A.I.).
years of phone tapping and police shadowing ordered by former prosecutor
Canciani resulted in three investigating judges refusing to remand in custody
the eleven investigated individuals.
second refusal dates 4th February 2014, and coincided with the conclusion of
the investigation; but prosecutor Manotti, now in charge, decided to get his
time of glory, and therefore presented an appeal concerning the last three
specific facts listed above.
28th February the eleven investigated individuals were raided and searched in
coincidence with the end of the investigation, which is very unusual (one of
the persons under investigation was being held in prison).
24th March, for the third time, the court of review of Genoa refused to order
the imprisonment of the investigated individuals due to inconsistency of the
21 files made up of thousands of pages, the wastepaper of the investigation,
the circumstantial evidence that emerges is only a string of official notes
obviously drafted by the ROS: phone tapping concerning daily life events
reinterpreted according to repressive purposes and totally out of context;
shadowing leading to nothing; seizure of materials that anyone might have at
home; thousand euros spent in equipment and technical counselling.
the context of this operation, the prosecutor of Genoa had also been allowed
to conduct video and audio spying on Alfredo Cospito (imprisoned following
the attack on Roberto Adinolfi, managing director of Ansaldo Nucleare) inside
the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria first and Ferrara later, obviously
against his will, and to get DNA samples to be compared with genetic traces
allegedly found on the explosive device set against the RIS of Parma … the
RIS being the most prolific DNA collector in Italy.
spite of the usual disgusting press reports boasting that the investigation
had successfully established a compatibility between DNA samples, it resulted
that the renowned DNA evidence didn’t produce the result the inquisitors had
been wanting; what’s more, such evidence was not like the indisputable and
irrefutable test that all of a sudden solves a case in detective films, but
was rather a test of uncertain scientific validity whose result could be
subjected to such a variety of interpretations as to be often considered not
valid even for the purposes of the law.
is therefore clear that these tests have an intimidating motive rather than a
judicial one; DNA examinations were repeatedly carried out without producing
any significant result and with the only purpose of affecting the outcome of
trials. They also demonstrate the existence of a DNA database set up already
many years ago and concerning anarchists, revolutionaries and rebels
constantly subjected to the attention of repressive bodies.
spite of everything, nothing has been demonstrated in ten years of
investigation. Prosecutor Manotti even tried to present the ROS notes before
the court, in such a pompous way as to suggest that something true must be
there without any doubt; and he also promoted the necessity of a more elastic
interpretation of the crime of association, as he claimed that the latter was
still seen in an anachronistic way going back to highly structured
armed/clandestine organizations.
this exciting carnival journalists played an important role, in particular in
Genoa and Bologna. Once again they showed how investigations originate in
carabinieri barracks and police stations, and subsequently find reverberation
with newspapers and journalists, thus serving the investigators’ purposes.
reports published following the raids performed various functions: to give a
sensational character to a poor investigation by depicting paradoxical and
offensive portraits of the people involved, to launch provocations with the
intent to watch the investigated people’s reactions and put them under
pressure, to spread information on their private lives and more intimate
of the charges and the individuals involved in this operation, the aim of the
latter is to isolate those who claim and spread the idea of direct action and
attack on the existent in order to subvert it, and struggle against dominion
not because they want to correct it in a democratic way but because they want
to destroy it.
think that the only way to face this kind of repressive manoeuvres and oppose
them is not to let them intimidate us, not to lose the determination of our
ideas and actions, and to continue to practice and spread solidarity in the
many ways suggested by our imagination and individual tensions.
individuals and others in solidarity
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